Monday, December 26, 2011

Youth Education, Sports Icons and Community Leadership

!±8± Youth Education, Sports Icons and Community Leadership

For as long as I can remember the need to focus on school and the cultivation of a positive attitude has been proclaimed from the hill tops but has sadly only been embraced by a few in the trenches.

Today, it's all about being "cool" or "hip." It's about presenting the right "image", about being able to impress the girls or one's peers. It's about making the team, about being the coolest looking player on the basketball court or football field, the dude with the snazzy haircut or braids, or gangster style tattoo, or Fubu outfit, or pricey Nike trainers, or gold chains, or rings, or saggy pants, or sports car.

Of course girls aren't immune, they too are enticed with "bribes" of good times and pregnancy! But it is mostly our boys - the next generation of Black men - that are in real and in some cases mortal danger. It might be an overstatement to say that sports can be seen as a new form of mental and physical slavery. But is it? It's probably true to say that because it is attractive and associated with stardom, that sports exerts a powerful influence on our youth and that in some respects its influence is insidious.

Okay you say, let's keep things in proper perspective. No point scare mongering right? After all it's only a game. And can we really offload this sports thing onto the media moguls, sports magnates or fashion houses? Accepted, they do have the power and the influence but aren't we the ones who willingly purchase their products, their services and who allow ourselves to be used?

As powerful as the media is; as seductive as the lure of instant success through Nike trainers or an NBA or NFL contract might appear, the reality is that most parents and children are not caught up by the hype or fooled by the lies. In other words, the choice is ours. And many of us have taken a stand against the enticements of sport realizing that one Michael Jordan, or Venus or Serena Williams, or Tiger Woods does not an entire generation make.

The overwhelming majority of young black males who rally to the call of the sports and fashion media are drawn either to basketball or football. Almost undoubtedly these are the "coolest" sports and the black presence is obvious. The few players who, either because of their performance or earnings (the two usually go together), make it into the superstar leagues are the new emblems of success and have become the role models of every young black male who fancies his chances and sees sports as an easy ticket out of the ghetto, the classroom, or the boring life dictated by those of his parents' generation.

What I find most worrying is the way in which the educational opportunities of many young black males are seemingly being hijacked. Of course, those who make it into the professional ranks realize the importance of a scholarship and a college education. But the stories of cooked grades and stars who can barely read or write are too real to dismiss as fantasy.

But, perhaps more important even than this, is the "easy believism" that may be paralyzing or otherwise infecting our community through our children. Hey, they say and think, you don't have to work too hard. Just play a little basketball. Don't worry about school. There's nothing wrong with practicing that jump shot all day at the park. Homework? What's that?

Forget it, who needs grades anyway? Just work on those Harlem Globetrotter skills, slam, dunk, dribble, don't pass, drink your milk and Oreo cookies and think of Michael Jordan's success. No problem. You're gonna make it!

And my prayers are with you. But the reality is that you probably have a better chance of making it to the White House and appointing an all-black cabinet as you do of becoming the next Michael Jordan, Shaquille O'Neal, Allen Iverson, or any of the other currently top-rated basket ball stars.

Get real.

And that's the problem; the cloud of unreality that has colored our thinking and blinded our vision. And, unless we wake up and soon, our collective blindness may consign our children to the career ghetto with no education, limited opportunities, on a train going nowhere fast. And you don't have to think too hard about the usual passageway from here to drugs and the criminal justice system.

Most of us recognize and accept that these last two are tearing many communities apart and we regularly hear individuals speaking out against the cancer of crack cocaine or the unwarranted numbers of black men behind bars. We rightly recognize these "truths" as being evidence that perhaps all is not right with our society. But the possibility that slipping educational standards and the promotion of an easy path to success may be the real modern-day curse of our children has yet to be trumpeted from the hilltops by our politicians, community leaders or conscientious media personalities.

If they are speaking about it, then they must be whispering. Either that or I'm slowly becoming deaf! Of course, not all sports stars are jocks and it would be a terrible disservice to the able, gifted, and aspiring among them to say as some might that most athletes are nothing more than kids with too much money and too little sense for their own good. While the stereotype remains popular, again largely because of the media's focus and misrepresentation, it is largely untrue.

There are many young, bright, articulate, educated, conscious young male and female athletes who are serving as positive role models for the next generation. However, it's unfortunate that interviews with these individuals or real-time media representations of their lives off the court or field are few and far between. It's so much easier to focus on their sporting talent and promote their star quality. After all that's what sells tickets and increases the value of the individual to the promoter, owner, manager, coach, or television network.

For all the positive qualities that a Michael Jordan may exude, and for all the speed with which selected individuals are catapulted onto the world stage and transformed sometimes overnight into American icons, how many of your sons or daughters do you really believe will ever have an opportunity to achieve the same degree of success?

If your answer is one in a million, then you understand the stark reality. The reality is that the media allows relatively few players to rise to the top. As with Hollywood, it's much easier to work with a single hero. The same formula is followed to some degree in the sports world.

The script is written; the actors assembled and only one athlete at a time can play a leading or superstar role.

Is it any wonder then that sports "stars" almost routinely look to Hollywood, product endorsements or the music industry for further development of their careers? But, let's give credit where credit is due.

There are some real success stories out there. In most cases, the silent and the quiet who shun media attention, and who focus on their families, their careers and their futures in that order are not usually the stuff of which legends are made. You won't find such individuals being touted in the media. And there are other stars who, having gained a certain notoriety by living up to the stereotype, have gone on to make a success of their lives and business accomplishments.

Magic Johnson is perhaps one example. It was back in November 7, 1991 that the sports world was rocked by the announcement that Magic had the HIV virus. The news was shocking. This was at a time when for many HIV was equivalent to certain death. Now, a decade later Magic is a significant force in business with a reported 0 million business portfolio.

Many communities are the richer for such efforts and no one can take away from these public successes or the significance of these acts of entrepreneurial magic. However, I always find myself asking, when confronted with such tales of success and material wealth, how much more could our stars and leaders be doing by way of sponsoring scholarship programs or linking their names, talents and wealth to charter schools, colleges and universities, after-school care programs, mentoring programs, summer camps, space camps, foreign language learning schemes, cultural exchange programs, computers in schools, science and technology initiatives, hospitals, clinics, fair rent housing development schemes, libraries, urban renewal initiatives. The list is almost endless and the benefits would extend far beyond the black community.

But how do I know that they aren't investing in such things? Just because we don't hear about it doesn't mean they ain't? Right? Pardon the grammar but the point is well made. Perhaps they are doing all this but no one is talking. After all isn't this what the Bible encourages when it speaks of humility and the left hand not letting the right hand know what it's doing? Well how come we hear so much about the supposed wealth of individual stars and so little about the acts of "good."?

Surely, declaring these good works is a potent way to be an example.

I mean, let's be realistic, if nobody knows what these individuals are doing, how can we be expected to say "Hey, that brother or that sister is focusing on something positive, or investing their time and money in building the community, in our future, in our schools, in learning? How can they serve as potent role models unless we SEE them playing the role?


The way I see it, until we begin to see more visible examples of such investments in people and communities we're all wasting our time. Unless we see these institutions and edifices being built, arising from the ashes of our decaying communities so to speak, until there are conscious, vocal and repeated statements of support for the building of lasting institutions that are geared to improving the minds of our children and keeping them healthy and in school then even the success of a Magic Johnson, or a Michael Jordan may be taken as no more than the largesse of a rich individual who may be simply throwing his surplus cash around in blind imitation of other wealthy folks.

While no athlete or media star is under an obligation to support public works and they could very well invest their hard-earned cash elsewhere or live lavishly we all know that many do support some of the initiatives that I've outlined above and that they do so through privately established trusts or channels of investment.

The likes of Oprah Winfrey, Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, Spike Lee, and Whoopi Goldberg among others have long been associated with positive if not always public acts of kindness. Well, now may be the time to come out of the closet.

The point I'm making is that the dangers are so great that what we need to do now is mount a public campaign, to wage a public war on the apathy of our kids and their acceptance of second-rate grades. As athletes and stars we need to start telling and showing them by the way we walk, talk and invest our money that education is important. We need to be telling them that there's more to life than basketball, or football, or overpriced trainers, or MTV, or gangster rap, or Hollywood, or video games, or fully loaded convertible sports car, or the latest prison hand-me-down fashions, or ribbed condoms, or gold chains, or reefers, or smack, or crack cocaine, or alcohol, or cigarettes, or gang banging, or getting pregnant at age fifteen, or becoming a father before you're old enough to drive, or hanging out, or jailhouse tattoos, or multiple body piercing, or even the "cool" walk.


Is there anything left that I don't like and want to get rid of?

Or am I saying that there's some natural association between this litany of supposed negatives and professional sports? The answer is of course no. The fact that some sectors of the media continue to make this association is tragic and dangerous.

The fact that many young people themselves make the connection is perilous. The only point I'm making is that in the balancing act of life it appears that education and lasting career development continue to be challenged by the litany of material and emotional goods some of which I've identified above.

But don't get me wrong. This isn't about going back to the way things were when George Washington was President (actually, they weren't so good then). Or back to the fifties when men were men and women were women (yeah right), or a period before there were drugs on the street and television had yet to be invented. This isn't about going back to an unreal time when every child got perfect grades, there was no fun, no sports, no soda and everyone wore gray uniforms.

Rather, this is about coming together and deciding what it is we want for our children. It's about taking a long hard look at the reality of the world in which we live. It's about recognizing that many of our children are being left behind. It's about accepting that many of our young men and women - our children - are losing out on the American Dream. Their minds and their bodies are being sapped of all energy. Commitment and effort are being replaced by a desire for easy returns, usually with little output.

The dangers of a continued focus on life as a trip down easy street are obvious, although not so obvious as to have drawn the attention of every politician in the country. Every parent and citizen with even a passing concern for the future should be demanding that something be done. More importantly, each of us should be looking out for the kids in our care, for the kids on our block, in our school, in our churches, mosques and synagogues, in our boys and girls clubs, at the local Y's, hanging out on the street corners.

We should also be looking out for all the others out there. Sport has its place in our society. Basketball, football, and baseball, along with many other sports, capture our collective attention. We're a nation of sports lovers. And that's all right. The combination of skills, artistry, rivalry, strategy, tactics, techniques, personalities and drama is interesting, sometimes even exciting.

Sports may even help get us through the week and give us something on which to pin our hopes (the fortunes of "our" team) or, increasingly, the hopes of our children. For many the fascination is innocent enough for what can be harmful about little league baseball or a friendly competition, or my son playing basketball a couple of hours several nights each week, or following the fortunes of his favorite team or players by television or fanzine?

The answer is nothing, so long as the fascination is measured and balanced against the need to invest time in other creative pursuits and, above all, in education. Learning must count for something today. Look at the efforts of other communities. Recent immigrants from India, from Korea, and other parts of Southeast Asia are linking their future success to the classroom. Other communities would do well to take note.

If education is important today, it will be even more important tomorrow.

We must therefore give our children every possible opportunity. Accompany them to the game, applaud their successes, tend to their occasionally broken spirits or bodies, and give them every support possible for sports can help round them out as individuals.

However, we should also encourage them to keep everything in perspective and resist the tendency that some of us may have to cast ourselves in the role of aspirant coach, referee or parent to a prospective superstar.

Digest the fact that, nine times out of ten neither you nor your child will make it. Did I say nine times out of ten? Add a few zeros to the nine and you'll be closer to the real ratio between the dream and the reality.

But even for that very small minority who consider themselves specially gifted or blessed and who are determined, come hell or high water, to challenge the statistics and make it into the first tier ranks of professional sports, the point must still be made:

Maximum effort and educational success are non negotiable.

Youth Education, Sports Icons and Community Leadership

Catalog Kindle Video !8!# Saved Ceramic Fan Heaters

Sunday, November 27, 2011

How to Pick a Good Basketball Uniform For Your Team

!±8± How to Pick a Good Basketball Uniform For Your Team

When it comes to impressing the crowd, having an absolutely amazing looking uniform for your team can be helpful. However, there are many thing to consider when ordering your uniforms for your team. There are many different styles, budgets, and other things that must be considered. Here are some suggestions to help you when deciding what uniform to order.

First, decide exactly what you need. Is it just the top or a complete uniform with top, shorts, shoes, etc. Many teams opt to just order the tops and have the player provide a pair of black shorts to go along with the uniform. This is a good idea if you are on a tight budget, but if it is possible, it is much better to go with at least the top and shorts.

Second, it is important to consider if you will be using two sets of uniforms, one for the home games and a different one for away games. In most city leagues, you will only be required to supply one color jersey. However in more formal game play, for example, high school leagues, you will be required to supply a colored jersey for away games and a white jersey for home games. Be sure to check your league rules before placing your order. Also, if you must have a colored and a white jersey, consider using a reversible jersey.

Third decide what material you would like for your jersey. The two main materials used for basketball jerseys are mesh and dazzle. There are advantages and disadvantage to each style. Mesh is good because it is light weight and keeps the body cooler. The disadvantages to mesh is that the artwork on the jersey typically does not look as good, especially of the mesh holes in the jersey are big. Dazzle uniforms weigh slightly more than mesh uniforms and a a little more expensive. However, they look much better. The usually come in more styles with different trim. Overall, I think that dazzle uniforms are much better.

The last thing to consider is the artwork that will be placed on the uniform. Typically a basketball uniform has the team name on the front chest with the number below. The number is also placed on the back in a larger size. Many people also choose to place the player's last name on the back of the uniform. If you decide to complete the uniform with the shorts, often times people will have the team logo placed on the shorts right above one of the knees.

How to Pick a Good Basketball Uniform For Your Team

Baby Einstein Disney Ideas Park City Alpine Slide This Instant

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How Kobe Bryant Became Michael Jordan's True Heir

!±8± How Kobe Bryant Became Michael Jordan's True Heir

Will there ever be another Michael Jordan? Will any player ever be officially crowned the next Michael Jordan? My answer to this is the rhetorical question simple as "will there ever be another Michael Jackson?" The answer to the latter is NO of course, and it is the same to the first question as well.

As soon as Michael Jordan entered the Twilight of his career (amazingly at age 30), the search for the next MJ began. Interestingly, it was coincident with Jordan first retirement, and the media were quick to anoint Anferne "Penny" Hardaway as the potential next Jordan. Penny Hardaway was almost the same height as Jordan, and had a similar body type, but it was mostly the fact that he was drafted on 3rd position, in a draft headed by a powerful interior in Chris Webber as the 1st pick, and a potential bust as second in Shawn Bradley, that set immediate comparison between Penny and Mike. Hardaway of course had little Mike in him, and his style actually was closer to Magic than it was to Jordan.

From 1993, nearly every following draft will see the second coming of Michael Jordan; in 1994, it was grant Hill, who again was selected 3rd in the draft, and was very Marketable with his clean, well groomed image. In 1995, it was even closer, Jerry Stackhouse was the same height as Jordan (6 ft 6 in), played for the same college (North Carolina), played at the same position (Shooting Guard), and on top of it, he was also selected 3rd in his draft class. To add to the mysticism, some will also point that Jordan was selected one pick before his power forward teammate Sam Perkins, while Stackhouse was selected one pick before power forward teammate Rasheed Wallace. By all consideration, Stack should've been the next Jordan; unfortunately, despite some early promises, his game did not live up to the billing (he nevertheless had a very decent career). It also didn't help that Jordan returned to the game in March 1995, furthermore exposing Stackhouse as a "fraud" in carrying the MJ mantle.

Michael Jordan went on to dominate the NBA again from 1995 to 1998, but it was already clear that at 32, he was playing his last years in the league, thus the anticipation of finding the future torch bearer. In 1996, the Los Angeles Lakers acquired a young teenager by the name of Kobe Bryant, who leaped directly to the NBA from High school; while showing flashes of athleticism, he really did not get serious consideration in the discussion of the next Jordan; for sure Jordan was still firmly in control.

The very real sentiment and belief that the next Michael Jordan had been found came in 1998. The league was facing a lockout, the slam dunk contest had been abolished, Jordan contract with the Bulls was over, and rumor were swirling that this was it. Jordan finally announced his retirement on January 1999, but the league hardly had time to mourn thanks to Vince Carter. Officially crowned the next Jordan, Carter took the Stackhouse "credential" to another level. He was a 6 ft 6 shooting guard coming out of North Carolina, with a shaved head and a panorama of dunks straight of the imaginary that only Jordan had been able to provide. Because of Carter, the NBA reinstated the slam Dunk contest that he won in what may be considered one of the top 2 best contests in league history. Carter brought an excitement to the league that was reminiscent of Jordan early years, and thanks to his aerial acrobatics, the were little doubts that he was "the one"; although on the West Coast, the young Kobe Bryant, still in the shadow of Shaquille O'Neal, was starting to display serious Jordan-like abilities.

There are others who for some reason or another were called the next-Jordan. Players such as Harold Miner (Baby Jordan!!!???), Tracy McGrady (only because he was a scoring machine), but at the exception of Carter, none of them really stood a chance. With the Lakers dominating the NBA, it didn't take long for Shaq's team, to become Shaq and Kobe's team, while more and more, it became apparent that Kobe, not Carter was the one who reminded us the most of Jordan.

You see there are 4 components that defined Jordan: For the media, it is the numbers, for fans it is the highlights, for sponsors and the league, it is marketability, and for experts, it is championships and accolades. Michael Jordan was able to incorporate these entire elements successfully in one package, which made him the most popular and sought after athlete in the world. He was good for corporate America, good for white America, good for Black America, good for the NBA, and depending to who you talk to, good for the sport as well. Because all those 4 elements were found in 1 person, each new Jordan was dubbed the next according to one or another component. If a player sells, he is the next Jordan, if another scores 50 in a game, next Jordan, etc...

Michael Jordan success, just like Michael Jackson's, Bruce Lee or Barack Obama's, had as much to do with timing, than it did with skills. Jordan was not the only super athlete of his time, he was not the most charismatic, and he did not break all the records. What Jordan did however that his contemporary did not is recognize the moment, seize the opportunity and position himself in such a way that all converges toward him and incorporate him within time and space. Michael Jackson recognized that Motown 25 was his moment to shine, Obama realized that he had to capitalize on the Bush-era and usher a new message, Bruce Lee realized that time was ripe to introduce a new genre, and likewise Jordan was smart enough to brand himself at a time where sport, business and the media were converging at the same place.

To understand the Jordan phenomenon, and look for his true heir, one needs not look at the numbers, the accolades or even the commercial. To really find Jordan heir, we have to look at what enabled him to capitalize on the moment and put himself in a winning situation, we have to look at his mind, his approach to the game.

Basketball, and most high level sports are probably 60% physical, 40% mental. You compete in a league where 95% of the competition is as talented and as athletic as you are, so what sets you apart is you head. Just like I was told by my High school math Teacher: "if 2 excellent math students are told to solve and explain a problem, the edge will not go to the smarter, but to the one who has the language skill to explain the problem; the difference maker will therefore not be Math, but language." Same goes in Sport.

For all interviews and stories on Michael Jordan, you see that he approached the game in a very Machiavellian way, playing mind games with all, being cutthroat, and not hesitating to sleep with the enemy to get the edge. For Jordan, beating an opponent was not enough, he had to beat him in such a manner that the opponent will never dare challenge him again; he had little sympathy for opponents, and had no time for those who couldn't keep up in his quest for glory. Most experts translated it as a killer instinct, that soon came to define Jordan and all who truly want to win in the league. When he was selected for the Olympic team in Barcelone, 1992, Jordan admitted that he wanted to pass, but he couldn't pass the opportunity to spend time with the other stars and study/learn their little secrets and what makes them great; even at that moment, he only thought about how he could get ahead.

By the time Kobe was fully involve in the Jordan compare, he already had 3 championships, but had no personal numbers. I recall telling to all who would listen that Kobe needs to get away from Shaq so he can post individual numbers. You see Jordan started with Individual numbers and then went on winning championships. To carve his path, Kobe had to build his own resume, and for that he orchestrated Shaq's exile from L.A, and went on a scoring spree that further confirmed his status as the closest thing to Jordan. His scoring outburst, combined with his improved defense propelled him to a level where some actually believe he is better than Jordan. To achieve that level, Kobe didn't care that he made enemies, he did not hesitate to duplicate Jordan's move, and he tirelessly worked in the off season on his game and body, and finally took a take no prisoners attitude in the process.

None of the other so called "next-Jordan" even came close to what Kobe did to achieve that level. Stackhouse was simply not as talented and did not work on his game, Penny, McGrady and Hill were victims of the injury bugs, and did nothing to ensure that it doesn't happen again, while Carter simply relied on his natural abilities and reputation; if anything when Kobe was improving, Carter was regressing.

Now before I go further, let me state that I am absolutely NOT a Fan of Kobe, as a matter of fact, I hate both Kobe and the Lakers like the second coming of the plague. Why is that? Some may ask, well for once, you can justly use the word "Hater". Kobe is 2 months older than me, so most likely, like me he grows up idolizing Jordan. Like most in my generation, he dreamed of being the one who will be the next Jordan, and most definitely, he mimicked all Jordan moves on playground. The only problem is that I was 6 ft 2 in, living in Ethiopia, and he is 6 ft 6 in like Jordan,and in the NBA. I do not hate Kobe because he is famous, a good player or beats up my team, I am bitter because among all of us who dreamed of being the next Jordan, he is actually the only one who came closer, and damn close. If that was only it, the main reason I really hate Kobe is that he unveiled the Jordan Mystery.

The Jordan Mystery was for me the secret behind the driving force in imitating Jordan's game. I would watch hours and hours of Jordan tapes, alone or with friends, but while most would marvel at the highlights, I would focus on the interviews. When most of us would try to do Michael's moves, I was only thinking about his decision making on the court. Jordan's mind to me was much bigger than any of his moves, and Kobe got that, he studied Jordan, but paid attention on what really sets Jordan apart from his peers. Kobe studied it, applied it, and ultimately dominated his competition. In all he does, you can see Jordan acting, his timing, his confidence, his will to win, his desire to beat you to the ground, etc...

When an opposing player has a good game, most players engage in a shootout to outdo him; not Kobe, just like Jordan, he not only wants to outdo you, he also wants to shut you down. Kobe doesn't just take the challenge; he also tries to punish you for challenging him. This attitude is rare in today's NBA, which is why Kobe is such a particular animal.

Even when you consider the new generation like Lebron James, Carmelo Anthony and Dwayne Wade, Wade is the only one who display the killer instincts of a winner takes all. Anthony is still way too immature and focused on just having great games, while Lebron, aside from his petulant brat-like bad loser behavior, has demonstrated great abilities to take over a game; yet, he is also too focused on proving that he is in touch with the latest BET video clips, and seem to be constantly auditioning for another endorsement or Hollywood movie. You will not see Kobe doing the stinky leg when he makes a great play, or relax because his team is has a big lead, if anything, when leading, Kobe will keep playing hard to erase any thoughts of a comeback in you and your team.

When all is said and done, I do not like Kobe, never did, but it doesn't stop me from saying that he is good, very good. Is he better than Jordan? not by a mile. I still think his defense has more to do with acting focus than actually playing good defense (although he is among the best in today's defenseless NBA), and the media tend to extrapolate his defense. Dwayne Wade played much better defense last season, yet Kobe took first-team defense. I also do not think that Kobe makes his teammates better. Some will argue that Jordan never won without Pippen; I contend that Jordan actually made Pippen better, and would've done so with another talented small forward. Let us remember that Pippen became the perfect complement to Jordan, not the other way around, says a lot about training someone to fit their job. Kobe on the other hand probably traumatized Kwame Brown, underused Lamar Odom, and most likely won his 4th ring more because of what Pau Gasol brings than what he frees Kobe to do.

At the end of the day, my verdict is clear: There will never be another Michael Jordan, simply because you cannot compare two era, and because the league changes with players adapt to it; nevertheless, there is a Jordan heir, in style, game and intensity, and his name is Kobe Bryant, who as I hate to admit, is actually the best player in the NBA. If one really wanted to focus on the 4 components that defined Michael Jordan, his true Heir would be Yao Ming, but yet, again, another one falls under the pressure.

After years of praising Jordan and wondering what made him so special, we had to wait for his Hall of fame speech. There Jordan revealed that part of his personality that set him apart. He finally confessed his personal mind games and the core of what drove him. This was the answer we've all asked for years ago; when the media were looking for the next Jordan, instead of looking for the college, the height, the dunks or the shaved head, they should have looked at character. Now that Michael Jordan finally revealed it, the media blasted him for what they called an arrogant speech. My personal thought, we finally heard the secret from the man. I am sure that while many were criticizing, someone in Inglewood, California was carefully and studiously taking notes.

Kobe is the true Michael Jordan Heir, because like Jordan and unlike any other, he came, he saw, he conquered; They did not anointed him the next MJ, he took it, he forced himself in the limelight, by understanding the most important part of the game: The mind; he studied the best, asked questions and learned from them, then used the weapons against the teachers...Kobe understood that it was his approach to the game that made MJ special, so he emulated it and became Jordan's true heir... and for that Mr. Bryant I hate you, but you also have my utmost respect.

How Kobe Bryant Became Michael Jordan's True Heir

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Jump Higher Exercises

!±8± Jump Higher Exercises

Are you SERIOUS about learning to jump higher? Would you like to find out if practicing jump higher exercises will work for YOU?

With proper training and practice, anyone... yes, even YOU... can systematically improve each variable to create an explosive vertical synergy. There are actually 9 variables in developing an incredible vertical leap. But, let's take a look at the 4 primary reasons you may fail to increase your vertical explosion. More importantly, let's look at why you do not have to fail.

The first reason you may not succeed in dramatically increasing your vertical explosion is lack of knowledge of correct principles. You probably already understand that a lot of information provided on the Internet is simply not accurate. Many articles are written with the explicit purpose of luring you to a website in order to sell something to you. Make sure the principles in the article are backed with reliable facts and figures.

Second is a lack of knowledge of correct practices and techniques. Basically, this means the difference between what you do and how you do it. Most coaches and trainers simply are not experts in jump higher exercises. While they may be very accomplished in basketball, volleyball, and other sports that require jumping, they are probably not experts at helping you to improve your vertical leap.

Third is the lack of discipline or the ability to apply proper principles and techniques consistently over a period of time. We all struggle with discipline in various parts of our lives. Discipline is not, never was, and never will be easy to come by.

The fourth and last primary reason you may fail to increase your vertical explosion is lack of proper nutrition. There simply are not many true experts to provide guidance for you on the proper nutrition to help you jump higher. This is a very specialized niche to which only a few highly-trained professionals have devoted their time and attention to becoming experts at training other people.

If you feel you have previously wasted time, money, and enthusiasm on ineffective jump higher exercises, do not give up and do not become skeptical. Do not cut corners.

There are 9 variables to vertical jump training. Each contributes to upward explosion and/or momentum. An effective program will target each variable.

If you are SERIOUS about learning to jump higher, look for the most comprehensive vertical jump program available then follow the instructions step-by-step until you have achieved your vertical jump goals.

Practicing the proper jump higher exercises WILL work for you. You can do it!

Jump Higher Exercises

Used Dkny Watch Straps

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Best Dunk Ever Or Exercises To Jump Higher

!±8± Best Dunk Ever Or Exercises To Jump Higher

What's the best dunk you have ever seen? Some will mention Vince Carter's Monster Slam over the 7'2 Frederic Weis at the 2000 Olympics, some will bring up the 720 slam by the AND1-player called Air Up There. However - some guys seem like they were born with mad hops:

"First time I touched a backboard, I was 12. I touched the rim when I was 13, and when I was 14, I finally could dunk." - Nate Robinson (2006 Slam Dunk Champion, 5 ft. 7 in., vertical leap: 43.5 inches)

Ok, Nate can jump, that is clear but don't give up too soon, you can increase your vertical jump dramatically - if you do the right exercises.

In case you didn't know: the skinny 5 ft. 10 in.- guy called The Professor from the And1 streetball squad who is well known for his outstanding ball handling actually can dunk! And right, he is white! So if you're able to touch the net right now, there is no doubt you can dunk soon!

Now, the first question is: how to start?

If you are a beginner, its important to start slowly. Overstraining your legs at the beginning can have fatal effects for the future. So concentrate on working on your vertical only 2 times a week the first 2 months. You can use basic exercises like calf raises, squats and the jump rope. It all works, dont worry. But dont exaggerate! You can find some efficient exercises here:

If your legs are strong enough, you can try the following workout:

its a 4 days a week, 1 hour a day workout:

Lat Raise: 3 sets, 10 reps, 20 lbs.

Tricep Press: 3 sets, 10 reps, 80 lbs.

Lat Pull: 3 sets, 10 reps, 130 lbs.

Seated Row: 3 sets, 10 reps, 120 lbs.

Bent Fly: 3 sets, 10 reps, 40 lbs.

Curls: 3 sets, 10 reps, 20 lbs.

Leg Curl: 3 sets, 10 reps, 100 lbs.

Hack Squat: 3 sets, 10 reps, 300 lbs.

Calf Raises: 3 sets, 10 reps, 100 lbs.

Bench Press: 3 sets, 10 reps, 130 lbs.

Use less weight and more repetitions to avoid getting too bulky. If you want to get bigger, then go on heavier weights, lower reps. Actually its about trial and error, because you have to find out, which exercises work best for you.

You can also try some plyometrical exercises (extremely efficient exercises) to improve your vertical jump. Plyometrics work the eccentric contraction of a muscle and then follow it quickly with a concentric contraction. And thats exactly what basketball players looking to improve their vertical need (most strengthening exercises - where you use weight - work only the concentric contraction of a muscle). But you can't begin with plyometrics ! Prior to using such exercises, 3 months of basic vertical training are a must. Why? Because plyometrics are very intense in nature. Such exercises should only be performed at limited times, for example for 2 months only (only 1-2 times/ week). You will find some excellent exercises at

You can also combine the plyometrical exercises with the some weightlifting moves like push press and hang clean.


The Extra tip: Always warm up before the workout! Studies have also shown that warming up increases the speed of nerve impulses to muscles. The result: faster reaction times. This is one reason professional athletes spend more time warming up compared to many recreational athletes - they know it will prevent injuries and help them compete better.

Best Dunk Ever Or Exercises To Jump Higher

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Nike Dunk High Custom Red Bull

!±8± Nike Dunk High Custom Red Bull

Nike Dunk High Custom Red Bull is one of the products in the rather huge 'High' Nike-Dunks family. Its other siblings in this family include the likes of Nike Dunk Hi SB Glow In the Night, the Nike Dunk Hi Pro SB Hay High Don Quixote, the Nike Dunk High - Collection Royale Dontrelle and the Nike Hi SBTG X Lazy; to name but just a few of the other 'high' Nike Dunks. Now of all the Nike that I have gotten the opportunity to wear, I have to confess that it is the Nike High Custom Red Bull that I have gotten most enchanted with.

When you look at Nike High Custom Red Bull, the overall feeling you get is that of serenity and peace, the presence of many colors on the shoe notwithstanding. As it turns out, Nike's choice of colors for use on the Nike Custom Red Bull, combined with the way they are employed throughout the shoe ensures that it is not a 'loud' shoe. In other words, Nike High Custom Red Bull is a shoe you can wear comfortably; even if you are a person who doesn't like attracting 'undue attention.'

The bottom part of the sole on Nike High Custom Red Bull, the part that is in contact with the ground, is colored red; quite a dark hue of it. The upper part of the sole, the part where the sole gets joined to the upper body of the sole is colored white. The shoe's upper body is quite an amalgamation of many colors; thankfully quiet colors; so that we have the front part where the toes go in being grey, with the upper portion above that being white; with these being the most dominant colors on the shoe. Other colors that make a showing on the shoe are red (which shows on the Nike tick and a few other spots on the shoe), yellow (in at least two patches, one where the 'bulls' are depicted), and blue, in quite a huge patch towards the back end of the shoe.

Height-wise, Nike Custom Red Bull is quite a tall shoe; though not conspicuously so. Indeed, an untrained eye would probably have difficulties trying to classify this shoe as either a 'high' or a 'mid' Nike. The highest point on this shoe is, as one would expect on a 'high' dunk, towards the center (where the 'tip' of the shoe's tongue is to be found). But after this peak, the shoe starts receding in height as we head backwards; so that the very back end is rather low, compared to the peak height. This makes for comfortable wearing - and comfortable removal of the shoe from the foot.

To help wearers keep the shoe secured on their feet, Nike provides the traditional shoelace (string) mechanism on the Nike Dunk High Custom Red Bull. As is almost standard on all 'high' Nike, there is provision for a whopping 18 shoelace holes, although one does have the option of leaving some of these unthreaded.

Nike Dunk High Custom Red Bull

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Nike Dunk Mid Premio SB - Donatello - TMNT

!±8± Nike Dunk Mid Premio SB - Donatello - TMNT

The Nike Dunk Mid Premio SB - Donatello - TMNT is one of the products in the Nike 'Mid' dunks family. Other products in this rather large family include the likes of Nike Dunk SB Mid Beijing, the Nike Dunk SB Mid Premium Workwear, the Nike SB Mid Premium 'Television' and the Nike SB Dunk Mid Pro, to name but a few of Nike's Mid-sized dunks. I am personally a fan of these 'mid' dunks. But of all the Nike Mid dunks I have gotten to use over the years, I have to confess that it is the Nike Dunk Mid Premio SB - Donatello - TMNT that I have gotten most impressed with, and that for good reason.

Size-wise, Nike Mid Premio SB - Donatello - TMNT is a 'mid' dunk in the realest sense of the word, manifesting as it does, as something truly between a low dunk and a high dunk. The gradient on the shoe starts right from the front part, right after the point where the toes go in, and climbs gradually; to reach the highest point at the tip of the tongue, where the shoe meets the wearer's foot-trunk. Of course, this is the structure that one expects on a dunk. At its highest, Nike Dunk Mid Premio SB - Donatello - TMNT towers at just about half a foot, definitely not high enough to be termed as a 'high' dunk, but then again not short enough to be termed as a 'low' dunk.

Color-wise, Nike Premio SB - Donatello - TMNT is a colorful shoe. On my particular pair, I can identify at least 5 different colors. First is light grey, which colors the bottom part of the shoe's mid-sized sole. Then there is white, which colors the upper part of the sole. Further on is the black, which colors the patch which connects the various parts which make up the shoe's upper body. Finally, there is dark brown (which colors the patch where the Nike tick originates), and purple, which colors the Nike tick itself.

Talking of the Nike tick, as on all modern dunks, Nike has chosen to elongate it on this shoe; so that it originates on one side of the shoe (with the hooked shape), then goes all the way to the back of the shoe, to terminate on the opposite side of the shoe - with the sharp end. This approach to the Nike tick has come to be seen as the identifier of all 'modern' Nike Dunks.

For a tying mechanism, Nike has chosen to use a combination of the traditional shoe lace and a flap mechanism. This is a great departure from its other 'mid' dunks; where it typically tended to use the shoelace only. On Nike Donatello - TMNT, the shoelace is quite a short ten-hole affair, but this is supplemented by the flap mechanism, to make for a secure way which ensures that the shoe doesn't fall off when the wearer is walking.

Nike Dunk Mid Premio SB - Donatello - TMNT

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Nike Air Force One Shoes

!±8± Nike Air Force One Shoes

Nike Company, Inc. from its designer Bruce Kilgore took the sneakers that have christened the Air Force 1, which is commonly worn in basketball games. Rasheed Wallace and Jerry Stackhouse led them in their games.

The shoes were named after American presidents Official Airline of Air Force One. The shoes in three different styles of bottom-up, high and medium high-top with the latter not so often on sale in many stores, these shoes. The most commonare low and middle-top-top. The mid-high and high-top with velcro closure securable can be identified during the middle of the upper belt is mounted on the sled, the straps are detachable and movable in the high-top. It gives the Air Force One shoes are available in many different colors, the most common Air Force 1 are sold, sold in white, commonly referred to as white on white or dark colors.

Another feature that the Air Force is to identify the small shoe, removable medallion, is inEnd of shoelaces, the medallion is with holes on both sides, allowing you to remove the laces. The medallion is silver-colored metal has inscriptions engraved with "AF-1" and "82" showing the year, the first time. The original shape of the medallion was circular, but, having redesigned for the 25 th anniversary has assumed a rectangular shape, also the silver medal was one of a white plastic that the mark has been replacedSubscriptions. The Air Force PRO was introduced to commemorate the anniversary.

Air Force 1 were first made in 1982 and then adjusted in 1983. The shoes were then re-released three years after stopping (1986), this time it was time to branding the modern italic Nike logo on the lower back of the shoes. Nothing much has changed since then with the shoes. But the original stitching on the side walls is not common to modern versions of the shoes. Since then therewere more than 1,700 color variations have been produced, this directly translates into an estimated turnover of 800 million U.S. dollars a year.

Nike Air Force 1 shoe is considered as the most popular among the young hip-hop and street basketball players. In 2002, rapper Nelly and St. Lunatics collaborated on a single, on shoes.

Five years after the founding of the Air Force 1, Nike introduced the Air Force 2 Shoes Inc, theBasically a newer version of the original, is only typical and are available in many colors. As Air Force 1, Air Force 2 was launched in early 2000 again. They, too, in different versions, the style is low-cut or high-top. This later can be done in any style of measurement, but they are majorly used in white or black with any color, swoosh to fill in the heel and Nike.

Air Force 3 was introduced in 1988 and is the most popular of the three versions and moredurable. In 1989, the Air Force has introduced the fourth

Nike Air Force One Shoes

White And Black Nike Dunks Order

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